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What's New?
This page contains a list of updates to my website. Visit my site map for a complete list of pages on this website or do a search if you are looking for specific content.
September 02, 2010
Added Links about African-American Muslims, a page linking to resources for learning about this often overlooked group.
September 11, 2003
On the second anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I've put up My 9/11 Story, which was written shortly after it happened.
May 25, 2003
I've started a new site separate from muhajabah.com - The Niqabi Paralegal. The Niqabi Paralegal is a blog about legal issues facing Muslims in the United States and other topics of interest. The sidebar on this what's new page displays recent posts to The Niqabi Paralegal.
March 25, 2003
Added Fiqh of Picture-Making, a brief explanation of the Islamic rules concerning representational art.
March 02, 2003
It's not related to Islam, but it may be of interest to Muslims and others who would like to use Movable Type to run their blogs. It's Al-Muhajabah's Movable Type Tips. This sidebar of this what's new page displays recent entries to the MT tips blog.
December 12, 2002
Added Jews Under Islamic Rule with two additional pages. These look at the history of Jews living under Islamic rule, as told in Jewish historical sources. It is hoped that this information will help clarify the position of non-Muslims under Islamic rule in general.
November 14, 2002
Created a separate page as an index of Conversion Stories. Learn about people who converted to Islam.
October 25, 2002
Added The Nation of Islam and orthodox Islam, a collection of links exploring the views of the Nation of Islam and its history.
August 10, 2002
Added Islamic Charities, a page with links to the websites of various Islamic charity organizations.
August 05, 2002
I switched over to a new blogging system, Movable Type, and reorganized my blogs. You can now check out Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs which shows you the latest from veiled4allah, A Quranic Journal, and The Clipboard from one interface. The sidebar of this what's new page displays recent posts to Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs.
July 27, 2002
Moved the site to a new URL, www.muhajabah.com
July 04, 2002
Added Tazkiyah: Purification of the Soul, a page with links to articles about Islamic spirituality.
July 03, 2002
Added All About Al-Muhajabah, which tells a little about the webmaster of this site, if anyone is interested.
July 03, 2002
Added Islam FAQ, quick answers to common questions about Islam. If you don't find the answers you're looking for there, you can submit a question and I will answer it as soon as possible.
June 17, 2002
Started Weekly Islamic Article, in which I feature a new Islamic article by a scholar each week, with some notes about what it means to me. The sidebar of this what's new page lists the most recent weekly Islamic article.
June 08, 2002
Added my my conversion story. Learn how an ordinary American girl became a Muslim.
May 29, 2002
Added The Clipboard. This features excerpts from articles on websites that I thought were interesting, with a little of my commentary.
May 25, 2002
Added A Quranic Journal. I will be updating this page every day, inshallah. It consists of verses from the Quran with commentary.
May 24, 2002
I started my own personal blog, veiled4allah. What do Muslims blog about? Take a look and see.
May 20, 2002
Added Recommended Islamic Links, a page with links recommended by visitors to my site. Find out how to submit your own link
May 17, 2002
Added Converts Page, resources for those interested in becoming Muslims
May 16, 2002
Added Christian Zionism, links about Christian fundamentalists who support Israel
May 01, 2002
Added Marriage Dynamics in Islam, an article for non-Muslims discussing the roles of men and women in marriage and what this means
April 10, 2002
Added Muslim Resource Center, a collection of links to help Muslims live according to Islam
March 29, 2002
Added a page Deter Rape with simple yet effective tips for women to protect themselves
March 06, 2002
Added a page of Islamic Stories, which features short stories and fiction by Muslim authors about Islamic themes. I hope you will enjoy it, inshallah
March 01, 2002
Added a page on Fiqh of Music, which is linked from the Islamic Music page. This aims to help young Muslims understand the Islamic regulations concerning music
February 17, 2002
Added Quran Page, a collection of links to resources for learning more about the Quran
February 15, 2002
Added a page on Dhu'l-Hijjah for Muslims who are not going on hajj
February 09, 2002
Especially for Muslim women! Visit Join QuranClub! to learn about an online study group dedicated to memorizing the Quran, and to subscribe
January 28, 2002
Added Islamic Music, a collection of links to websites that feature Islamic music
January 19, 2002
I am looking for Hijab Stories from Muslim women
January 11, 2002
Added All Kinds of Information for Sisters, a page of resources for Muslim women
January 08, 2002
Added Niqab Page, a collection of links about the face veil and the women who wear it. Also, I am looking for Niqab Stories from niqabi sisters
January 03, 2002
Added Personal Homepages of Muslims, a collection of links to websites about Islam created by ordinary Muslims
December 31, 2001
Added Other Fundamentalisms, a collection of links about Jewish and Hindu fundamentalism and how they shape the policies of, respectively, Israel and India
December 19, 2001
Added article Understanding the Face Veil for non-Muslims to learn more about the practice of face veiling in Islam
November 28, 2001
Created a separate page of Ramadan Poems for Muslims
November 27, 2001
Added A Country United, a poem about September 11 by a Muslim woman
November 25, 2001
Added A Different Kind of Pain, a poem for women who have suffered miscarriages
November 25, 2001
Added Links for Non-Muslims, which gathers together resources on Islam and Muslims
November 24, 2001
Added a section of Islamic Poetry, inspirational poetry by Muslims, which has been taken from various sources. Enjoy!
November 16, 2001
Added Muslims, Stand Up for Justice!, an article exhorting Muslims to fight injustice, even when committed by other Muslims
November 02, 2001
Added Mothers in Islamic Teaching, an article for both Muslims and non-Muslims. This article discusses the way that parents should be treated and the special place of mothers in Islam
October 21, 2001
Launched a new section on Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, with resources for both Muslims and non-Muslims
October 21, 2001
Added A Field Guide to Islamic Activists, an article that provides a brief survey and history of movements in contemporary Islam and how the "militant Islam" preached by Osama Bin Laden fits in. For both Muslims and non-Muslims
October 16, 2001
Added A Month of Backlash, a compilation of reports on the backlash against Muslims and Arab-Americans in the wake of the terrorist attacks, and Western Journalists on the Terrorist Attacks, a collection of links
October 14, 2001
Added An Introduction to Islamic Monotheism, an article for non-Muslims
October 11, 2001
Added On Veiling..., an article for non-Muslims discussing some issues relating to the Islamic modest dress
October 05, 2001
Added an article for Muslims, "Why Should I Wear Hijab?", setting out reasons that I feel Muslim women should wear the Islamic modest dress
September 28, 2001
Added Some Quranic Verses on Jihad, which shows what the Quran says about what Muslims should go to war for, and when they must seek peace
September 25, 2001
Created an Archive of Backlash Stories and an Archive of Seattle News Stories. Visit these to see my full collection of backlash news stories, nationally and locally
September 21, 2001
Added pages About This Website.
September 19, 2001
Added pages The World of Islam, Books on Islam for Non-Muslims, English Translations of the Quran, "Why Do You Dress Like That?" (a guide to Islamic dress for women), an index of Articles for Non-Muslims, a site map, and this what's new page
September 17, 2001
Launched the website with My Condemnation of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks, What Islam Really Says about Killing the Innocent, and Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks.