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The Nation of Islam and orthodox Islam
There is a great deal of confusion about the group known as the Nation of Islam, currently led by Louis Farrakhan. Although the group's name implies that it is part of the Islamic religion, its beliefs diverge so greatly from Islam that most Muslims consider it to be a different religion.
Below are some links to articles by Muslims about the Nation of Islam, including point-by-point comparison of NOI beliefs and Islamic beliefs to show that the two are mutually contradictory. I hope this will help clarify the issue, God willing.
The Nation of Islam should be understood as an independent religious tradition that has adopted Islamic elements rather than as an Islamic sect.
'Nation of Islam' or Nation of Kufr?, from Nida'ul Islam
Abusing the Word Islam: The Nation of Islam, from Muslim Students Association, University of Southern California
Comparison Between Islam and Farrakhanism, by the Institute of Islamic Information and Education
Farrakhanism, a collection of articles
Farrakhanism and the Nation of Islam, a collection of articles
Islam is Not Nation of Islam, a collection of articles
Regarding the 'Nation of Islam', by Moiz Amjad
The 'Nation of Islam' Exposed, by A. Idris Palmer
The Nation of Islam: Fact or Fraud?, from The Islamic Garden
The Problem with the 'Nation of Islam', by Michael Young
Nation of Islam is Not Islamic, by Scott Allen Miller
Once we are clear about how the Nation of Islam differs in its beliefs from orthodox Islam, we can look at it as an independent religious tradition. Viewed that way, it provides a new perspective on the African-American experience. Here are some articles that trace the history of the NOI and how various black nationalist movements have adopted Islamic elements to enrich their culture.
A Brief Look at the Roots and Development of The Nation of Islam, by Bradley Price Roderick
East of the Sun (West of the Moon): Islam, the Ahmadis, and African America, Moustafa Bayoumi
Islam in the Mix: Lessons of the Five Percent, thoughts on an NOI offshoot group by Ted Swedenburg
Islam, a traditional and growing spiritual point, by African American Registry
Religious Movements Homepage: Nation of Islam, from the University of Virginia