Bismillahi ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Islamic Stories


This page is devoted to short stories by Muslims and about Islamic themes. All rights are reserved to the authors. Inshallah, I hope you find these stories inspirational and enjoyable.

Note: In case, you're wondering, yes it is halal to write fiction for purposes of da'wah.


By Q.T.

I was sitting in the kitchen. Sabi (our servant) was washing the dishes & then she mop the floor. My Mom came in. Sabi why were you late again? She yelled at her. My bus...... Sabi was going to say something, when my Mom cut her off. That is not an excuse Sabi, she told her.

I had no idea what the excuse was. I decided to ask Sabi when my Mom won't be around. It was time for Zuher. We all made wudo & went to pray except Sabi. She was still working in the kitchen. I was shocked.

Because my Quran teacher told me," when it's time for salat you have to stop whatever you're doing". And yet I notice she wasn't even covering her hair, even in front of my father or uncle. Why? isn't she supposed to? I asked myself. When I've been told from everybody you have to cover your hair. (in front of nonmehrams) Wasn't my dad & uncle were nonmehram for her? Now I really wanted to talk to her. Later that day when my Mom went shopping I called her to my room. I told her to sit down when she came in. Then asked her about it. I don't know how to pray & nobody told me to cover. Do I have to? she asked me.

Yes, you do, I said.

She started to cry, I couldn't stop her she had to let those tears out.

I will teach you Sabi, don't cry, I said. She rubbed her blue eyes. She was so beautiful. You will? she asked. Yes, I answered.

That night I asked my parents to help her study after collage. My Mom was so mad. You little kiddy, how could you? they are our servents; if they started to learn who are going to work for us? You are forgetting something Mom. I'm not a kid & Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teach her to be nice with our servants. And there's nothing wrong if they'll learn. I see your point Aisha, my father said. Yes, you can teach her, my father said. My Mom couldn't say anymore.

I started to teach her. I was amazed how fast she was learning.

She learned her salat in a month. Then I stared to teach her reading & writing.

She finished her 1st quran in a year. Now she was memorizing some suras. She's so happy now. Now I see her covered from her head to toe, even in the hottest days.

One day my dad brought his friend's proposal for her. She was like, how could I? My Mom asked her Mom. She was happy to hear it.

She got married in the next two weeks. I was happy for her.

Thank you Aisha,if you haven't teached me I couldn't have learn anything. No Sabiha thank Allah. He had all planed, I just .....I did nothing I couldn't say anything else. Now I could teach my daughters. She was telling me. I started to laugh & she joined me, too. I looked at the sky & thought there was a big smile, too.

(the end)

"The blessed month"
By Q.T.

Wake up, wake up Hamad, his mother said. It's time for sahur.He woke up, but when his mother was out of the sight he went back to sleep again. His mother came into the room again, and he did the same thing again. His mother was angry now, so she decided not to wake him up.

In the morning when he woke up for school, he hardly remembered anything. The kitchen was empty nobody was there.

His mother was feeding the chickens, since they don't have to fast. Where is my breakfast? he asked his mother. There won't be anything to eat until sunset. Why? he asked. Because IT'S RAMADAN, she said.Oh!Oh! how come I missed it, now he remembered everything. He went to school. There everybody in his class did fast. He was sorry for himself.

Their teacher told them about Ramadan. His Islamic studies teacher told them, that you shouldn't sleep too much in Ramadan. You should finish one Quran at least. The door of heavens are open and the door of hell will be closed in this blessed moth. The shaitan and other devels are chained. They can't bother you. So don't be lazy and pray as much as you can.Make a lot of duas especially in the night of power.Hamad raised his hand. Yes? the teacher asked. Which night is the night of power? he said. Allah had hid this night in the last 10 nights, many scholar believes it's the 27th night and others say it could be 29th; but nobody knows for sure which night it is the teacher said. So it could be in 21st,23rd,25th,27th or 29th another student asked. Yes, you are right, the teacher said. They were still discussing when the bell rang.

When Hamad came home from school. He didn't even asked for food. He made wudu and went to the Masjid.It was time for Asar.He read the Quran when he came back.At Iftar he hardly ate anything.After dinner he did his homework and went to the Masjid to pray Isha and Taravi with his father.

Please wake me up for Sahur,I won't go back to sleep, I promise he told his mother before going to bed.Insha Allah, his mother said.

He felt so much peace inside him.

(the end)

Finding the Straight Path
by Aziza Hussain

Matt Lennox, a 16-year old American of Scottish-Irish descent, who was raised in a nonreligious family, found himself amazed by what he learned about Islam in his freshman history class. Fascinated by it all, Matt continued to research Islam, along with many other religions to educate himself further.

To his surprise, he found that Islamic theology has much in common with the Christian and Jewish faiths. Growing up, Matt had always known Christians and Jews had similar beliefs, but Islam, the world's fastest growing religion, was practically alien of to him. However, as Matt was introduced to Islam, he was interested in it and continued to learn.

When asked "What interested you the most about Islam?" Matt answered confidently, "The Qur'an." He says everything he read in the Qur'an left him thinking, "Oh, man. Wow. I can't believe all this info that seems so wise and correct is all in one book." Matt claims many things in Christianity didn't make sense to him. Many of these aspects dealt with the Trinity, Jesus as God, priests and churches. One of the main things which bothered him was the idea that you had to be Christian to be saved from the Hell-fire.

In Surah Baqara verse 111, it states, "And [the Christians and Jews] say: 'None shall enter paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.'" Noticing this was true of Jews and Christians, Matt was somewhat perplexed. "How can only one type of people be right?" he questioned. If this were accurate, then only people from one geographical region would be right -- everyone else would be wrong.

After studying many different religions deeply, Matt understood this could not be true. However, Matt was not just interested by the Qur'an; he was fascinated by Malcolm X. "[He was] very, very smart, and the reality is that he was also very, very honest [although] all the people around him for the most part were notā¦”mp;#8364;?His book, his movie, everything he says is so true," says Matt.

Matt was not only drawn in by Malcolm X, but also by Cat Stevens. He enjoyed and still enjoys Cat Stevens' previous music, such as "Peace Train". Peace, knowledge, God, and going back to God were all reoccurring themes in Stevens' music as Matt saw it. Intrigued by this, Matt read the story of how Cat Stevens came to accept Islam, becoming Yusuf Islam.

In the 60's and 70's, Cat Stevens was looking into different religions and beliefs, but when he came to Islam, it changed everything for him. "He changed his whole life and everything and that's weird 'cause people don't change their whole life when they're pop stars and everything," says Matt. And many would agree with this. It seems quite perplexing that a pop star that had everything he wanted would change his whole life around. Perplexing as it is, it continues to happen over and over again. Why? For one reason.

Matt explains: "Some people, even celebrities, find that there are so many complications with spirituality, politics, economics, society and philosophy in the "modern" world that when they find something so true, simple and natural as Islam, and they feel Allah's guidance towards Him, they find a great sense of meaning."

Although Matt used to be a strong believer in evolution, he now understands how advancements in science have affected people's belief in God. Noticing the general lack of faith in God, Matt claims, "Most people have given up on religion. As science progresses, people are going to look at science and say 'Where's God?' People will drift farther and farther away. " Matt's father, seeing evolution as simply a theory, was keener on the idea of Matt becoming Muslim, rather than believing in evolution.

Being raised a Jehovah's Witness, Matt's father saw the similarities between Jehovah's Witness ideas and Islam, making it easier for him to accept. His mother, fully supporting Matt, told him, "Whatever religion you want to have is good." Surprisingly, both his mother and father supported him and his interest in Islam. If it weren't for the understanding of his family, and the good communication between them, Matt's conversion to Islam would probably have been extremely different. There are still a few obstacles, however. Matt's parents may be supportive of him, but his father also believes Matt won't stay Muslim his entire life. Hearing this, Matt laughs and says, "I absolutely disagree."

Matt found an unexpected source of support in not only his parents, but also his "new-age hippie" friends. Sitting around doing nothing, Matt and his friends usually end up talking about anything and everything. Before Matt accepted Islam, he talked about his interest in Islam when the topic of religion came up. Although his friends' reactions were mainly "that's cool" and "that's really good to do that," one of Matt's friends no longer respects his opinion on religion or international politics. He believes Matt supports all those "like him."

When Matt's friend refers to those "like him," he's referring Osama bin Laden and his followers. September 11th, Matt says, "affected me only in the mental sense." Being able to blend into a crowd of European-Americans, Matt says, "Since I do not 'look like a Muslim' no one would think to say anything to me. Mentally though, I have a hard time watching American news anyway. American news just seems to talk about Islam like it is a foreign religion, and not that it is wrong, but that it is a religion of foreign civilizations which are not as advanced as Christian Europe/America." This view, which looks down upon Islam, can be quite irritating to many, including Matt.

Despite the fact that September 11th has only affected Matt in the "mental sense," he says, "Some Muslims in my school who I am friends with have had to deal with some guff." Matt recognizes these difficulties and offers some advice to his fellow young Muslims: "Although it is not always easy, do not be afraid of what other people think of you being [Muslim]. Anyone who thinks bad about a person on the basis of religion is not worth your time. Try your best to be a proud and upstanding example."

Although Matt may have accepted Islam, his life overall has not been changed dramatically. Aside from going to the mosque, praying, and reading the Qur'an, his daily events are pretty much the same. Islam, though, has definitely affected his priorities. "I have found though, that some things that used to seem important, like having certain things or going to certain events, now seem like a second priority, and I find that in general, since I became a Muslim it is very difficult to get me feeling upset," says Matt.

Having such an easygoing personality and open mind, Matt doesn't expect much out of life or people in general. When asked what his goals in life are as a person and Muslim, he answers, "I would like to go to college. I would like to go to the Garden (Jannah). My goal is to be happy. I do not think that would require [many] things. I would like to be successful in the world though so that I have the means to help others."

Matt, understanding the power of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala, claims, "I do not think that I or anyone could accomplish very much of significance without Allah." Understanding the importance of seeking knowledge in Islam, the one thing Matt hopes to gain from Islam which he has hasn't already is "continued knowledge. That is something Islam can keep giving me until I die," he says. "The only real challenge I face is trying to live my life as faithfully as possible."

Seeing the World in a New Light
by Aziza Hussain

I walked into Pine Street Inn, a shelter for men and women, holding Safiya's tiny hand, hardly noticing that my grip continued to tighten as I walked through the shelter. I had never been in such a place and seen such different people -- people who didn't have adequate clothes, didn't have food, didn't even have a table to put food on, couldn't own a house. I had always imagined what homeless people lived like, but on this trip, it finally came into perspective: it was real.

Noticing dozens of eyes on me, I looked straight ahead, afraid to come into eye contact with anyone. I saw men, young and old, sober and drunk, sprawled across the floor sleeping, or leaning against the walls shouting at us, "helloo ladies." Seeing them frightened me along with the rest of the MAS youth group.

However, as I continued to walk through the shelter with my group and guide, Scottie, my grip on Safiya's hand began to loosen. Earlier I was glad to have a child's hand to hold; it made it seem as though I was protecting her; however, I realized I was just trying to protect myself. Finally, my fears calmed.

My stomach felt queasy, not out of fear, but out of depression. My heart clenched trying its hardest to fight back tears. Unshaven men looked upon us with deep eyes. Their eyes seemed to tell the stories of their lives, stories so powerful my eyes could hardly meet theirs.

As I looked around more carefully, I remembered these men and women were people, people like me. But they weren't like me. They didn't even have the basic necessities of life. I started to feel out of place wearing expensive clothing and carrying a nice purse. God's blessing over me contrasted with the surrounding in which I was. I began to realize how blessed I am.

I realized how much we all take for granted, forgetting to thank God for the wonderful things we've been blessed with. Many of us fail to see the blessings of this life and focus on the negative aspects of life. Visiting the Pine Street Inn reopened my eyes to reality. I remembered how many blessings have been bestowed upon me by God. Things finally started to come into perspective.

After leaving Pine Street, my outlook on life has changed. One would say, "how can a person change from one trip," but in reality, it is quite possible. I can hardly put into words what emotions have been going through me since I left, but my life has been greatly impacted. Before I say "my life is so hard!" I think back on what I saw at Pine Street. Alhamdullillah, all praises to God, my life is more than bearable. The Qur'an repeatedly states, "On no soul do We place a burden greater than it can bear."

Thinking back on everything I saw, I admire Scottie and the others who work there. Whether one is volunteering or being paid for working there, it takes more than just money to get someone to work in a place like that. It takes a heart. It takes strength. Many times we lack this sympathy for others and forget about the world around us. Scottie and those like her deserve a lot of credit for having the drive to help others. "Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day in secret and in public have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve." (The Qur'an 2:274).

A New Beginning
by Aziza Hussain

I walked into the doors of LS Regional High School feeling like a new person. I felt as though hundreds of eyes were fixed on me, yet it was merely my wild imagination. My heart skipped a beat and my face flushed, but these signs of nervousness disappeared as people began to say "hey Aziza" like any other day. My fears of being rejected vanished and I felt the same again - well not the same, for I was different; I was now a muhajabah.

Many of my friends knew I was Muslim because I was constantly asked why I wasn't eating during the month of Ramadan. I would explain to them what Ramadan was, but this was all my friends knew about Islam. I had never bothered to educate them further.

Since the last Ramadan, I had been thinking about Islam and my duties of a Muslim more than usual. I began contemplating hijab and thought to myself, "I'll start hijab when I go to college." Why then? Because it would be a new environment, a new stage of my life, the start of a new beginning; it seemed like a good time to make a big change.

As Ramadan passed, I was constantly fighting a battle with myself. I was still pondering over Islam and my life in general. "Four years is a long time to wait (to start hijab)," I kept telling myself. I became distressed just thinking about how long four years was in reality.

I then decided I would start hijab after freshman year was over, so I had the summer to adjust. I would start sophomore year as a new person. "Sophomore year," I thought to myself, "that's still quite a few months away." I was still frustrated and did not want to wait so long to start hijab.

As April began, I thought to myself, "I am going to do it. I am going to start hijab and nothing is stopping me!"

Alhumdulillah for my open-minded teachers. I asked them if they could give me five minutes to speak to the class about what I was about to do: start hijab. They excitedly agreed with warm, encouraging smiles. In each class, I walked to the front of the room and slowly began to talk. I told them about Islam and how it is very important to me. I explained what the hijab is and why Muslim women are commanded to wear it. My peers sat listening, quietly and attentively, amazed by what I was saying. They sat in awe interested in my beliefs. Many asked questions and begged to see what I looked like with a hijab on. I happily put it on to show them. Their smiles showed they approved of it and liked it; they were happy I was going to wear hijab.

My classmates told their friends, who told their other friends, and soon the whole school knew about me starting hijab. People I didn't even know were constantly approaching me and telling me how much they appreciated what I was doing, how much they admired me, how much they supported me and how they wish they had the will power I did. All this before I even started hijab. That following Friday on April 13, 2001, I became a muhajabah for life.

The decision I made that day is one I will never regret insha'Allah. Since then, despite some of the obstacles that were thrown in my path, I have been the happiest girl alive. Many other Muslim girls have told me how I've inspired them and they wish to be more practicing. These positive comments only motivate me to work harder and become an even better Muslim, for these comments show me I am on the right path and insha'Allah will stay on it. I thank Allah Subhana wa ta'ala for the strength to do this, the guidance He has given me, and this personality, which has helped me have these qualities where people respect me, admire me and look up to me. And I also thank Him for giving me the mentality in which I do not care what others think; I solely care what He thinks.

"The seed of goodness in men's heart"
By Q.T.

One day when Ahmed came home from school he was so sad. What's the matter? asked his mother. I'm confused, he said. About what? asked his father. You see, today my teacher was telling us about the benefit of working for Allah and taking care of our parents, he said. What do you mean? asked his father. You know giving dawa and learning about Islam, he said. Ahmed if you want to leave to study you should do it, said his mother. And don't worry about us, we'll be fine Insha Allah, said his father encouragingly.

So, after some days he made up his mind. I think I'm ready to leave, he told his parents. Masha Allah, I'm so proud of you, said his father. And may Allah bless you and makes you strong, said his mother. Ahmed left after Zuher salat. He was sixteen at this time. He was scared, cause he never traveled alone before. He asked Allah to help him. And Allah doesn't leave His servants alone.

Ahmed traveled all over the world to learn about Islam. He met many great scholars of that time. He became famous with his knowledge. He teached many people all over the world. He went back to visit his parents once in a while. They were very happy to see him like this.

One day Ahmed was sitting in the Masjid. He was reciting "Sura-al-qa'f". He heard someone was crying. He looked around him. A man was sitting there. He walk toward the man. What's the matter brother? he asked him. I'm a sinner, the man said. I haven't touched the quran for years. I did many other bad things, he said. Will I be forgiven? asked the man.

Ahmed smiled at the man. Ahmed asked the man, "Have you not heard what Allah says in the glorious Quran:

'Say: O 'Ibaadi(My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deed and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah forgives all sins. truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful' [al Zummer 39:53]?"

The man looked at him with joy, with his eyes filled with tears. Then he bade farewell and left.

No matter how big the evil is, there's always a seed of good in men's heart. If Allah has His Mercy on us, it will bear fruit, Insha Allah.

This seed seems to always fight in our heart, even when it's cored with desire. When Allah wills the good for His slaves, He cause the light of goodness to shine our hearts. He guides us to the right path.

Allah says in the Glorious Quran:-

"And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam; and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast close and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky" [al-Anam 6:125].

(the end)


