Bismillahi ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Deter Rape


This page contains links to some pages with rape prevention tips for women. It would be ideal if every sister could be accompanied by a mahram whenever she went out, but this is not practical for most sisters, nor is it a demand of the Shari'a. These tips are for those of us who do have to go out alone to take care of our business.

Rape Prevention

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention

Crime Prevention Tips - Rape

Sexual Assault Prevention

Rape and Sexual Assault: Prevention Strategies


Note 1: Don't be afraid to fight back if you decide it's right, sisters! Don't worry about being thought "unfeminine" or anything like that. Defending your honor is a form of jihad. See On Fighting Back Against a Rapist.

Note 2: See also tips for protecting yourself against hate crimes and staying safe on the anniversary of 9/11.

Note 3: In case any sister needs it (may Allah SWT protect us!), here are 8 tips if you are a victim of domestic violence in a non-Western country and 13 tips if you are a victim of domestic violence in the West

