Men and Women in the Quran
Note: This is NOT a "politically correct" translation - the Arabic text clearly specifies male and female, man and woman, in each case. This is a LITERAL translation!!
Men and Women in the Hereafter
Paradise for the Faithful
- And who works righteousness, male or female, and is a faithful one, so such, they will enter Paradise and not be darkened a date-stone (4:124)
- And who works righteousness, male or female, and is a faithful one, so We will give them life a good life, and We will pay them their wages for the most beautiful of what they were working (16:97)
Hell for the Rejectors
- The hypocritical men and the hypocritical women are the one of them of the same nature as the other one. They command the wrong and they prohibit the honourable and they pull back their hands. They forget God so He forgets them. Surely the hypocrites, they are the corrupt ones. And God promises the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women and the rejectors the Fire of Hell; they are immortal in it. This is their reckoning. And God curses them and for them is a punished standing-place (9:67-8)
- God punishes the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women, and the polytheistic men and the polytheistic women. And God turns towards the faithful men and the faithful women. And God is ever Forgiving, Gentle (33:73)
- Who works evil so he is not repaid except the image of it, and who works righteousness, male or female, and is a faithful one, so such, they enter Paradise, nourished in it in without stinting (40:40) (saying of faithful man in Pharaoh�s household)
- He enters the faithful men and the faithful women into Paradise, under which rivers flow; they are immortal in it. And He conceals for them their evil deeds. And that is ever in the sight of God a mighty reward. And He punishes the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women and the polytheistic men and the polytheistic women. They speculate about God an evil speculation. On them is the evil turn. The wrath of God is on them and He curses them. He prepares for them Hell and an evil end (48:5-6)
- A day you see the faithful men and the faithful women running, their light between their hands. And in their right hands are good tidings for you of the day: Paradise, under which rivers flow; they are immortal in it. That, it is a mighty reward. A day the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women say to those who have faith, "Look. We borrow from your light". It will be said, "Return and you see it, then seek light". Then is struck between them a wall, in it a gate; the inner of it, in that is gentleness, and the outer of it, in that direction is punishment (57:12-3)
Men and Women in This World
Duties of the Faithful
- To men a share from what parents and close relatives leave, and to women a share from what parents and close relatives leave; from what is small from it, or much, a required share (4:7)
- And do not covet what God has preferred one of you over the other one. To men a share from what they have earned and to women a share from what they have earned. And ask of God from His bounty. Surely God is ever of every thing a Knower (4:32)
- And the faithful men and the faithful women are, the one of them, helping friends of the other one. They command the honourable and prohibit the wrong, and they stand for the prayer and they give to charity and they obey God and His Messenger. Such, God will be gentle to them. Surely God is Mighty, Wise. God promises the faithful men and the faithful women Paradise, under which rivers flow; they are immortal in it; and good residences in the Garden of Eden, and good pleasure from God - greater this is, a mighty reward (9:71-2)
- And say to the faithful men to lower their gazes and guard their modesty...And say to the faithful women to lower their gazes and guard their modesty... (24:30-1)
- Surely the Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the faithful men and the faithful women, and the devout men and the devout women, and the honest men and the honest women, and the enduring men and the enduring women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men giving to charity and the women giving to charity, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men guarding their modesty and the women guarding their modesty, and the men remembering God much and the women remembering - God prepares for them all a place of forgiveness and a mighty wage (33:35)
- And it is not ever to faithful men and faithful women, when God and His Messenger command, that it is for them to have a say in their affair. And who disobeys God and His Messenger, they wander manifestly astray (33:36)
- Surely the men who give to charity and the women who give to charity, they lend to God an excellent loan, it doubles for them, and for them is a noble wage (57:18)
Punishments for Sin
- O you those who have faith, written for you is retaliation in the killing: the free man (killed) by the free man and the slave (killed) by the slave and the female (killed) by the female. So who effaces the sins of his brother a thing, so pursue in honour and return on him in beauty. That is a lightening from your Sustainer, and a gentleness. So who retaliates after that, so for him is a known punishment (2:178)
- And the thieving man and the thieving woman, then cut off their hands, a payment by what they did, an exemplary (punishment) from God. And God is Mighty, Wise (5:38)
- The man committing fornication and the woman committing fornication, so lash each single one from them two a hundred lashes and do not be taken by pity for them two in the religion of God, if you have faith in God and the Last Day. And a party from the faithful witnesses their punishment (24:2)
- Why, when they heard it, did not the faithful men and the faithful women speculate in their souls of a better thing, and say, "It is a manifest untruth"? (24:12)
Protection of the Faithful
- And those who accuse the faithful men and the faithful women of other than they do, then they bear (the guilt) of slander and manifest crime (33:58)
- Surely those who persecute the faithful men and the faithful women then do not repent, then for them a punishment, Hell, and for them a punishment of burning (85:10)
Men and Women in History
- They are those who were ungrateful and barred you from the Inviolable Place of Worship (in Mecca), and (they barred) the sacrificial animal, the one held back from reaching its lawful place. And if only there were not men from the faithful men and women from the faithful women - you do not know who they are so that you would have made them obey, then a shame befalls you because of them without your knowing - God enters in His gentleness whom He wills - if only they withdrew, We would have punished those who are rejectors from them a painful punishment (48:25)
Men and Women According to the Prophets
- My Sustainer, forgive me and my parents, and who enters my house faithful, and the faithful men and the faithful women, and do not increase the evil-doers except in ruin (71:28) (prayer of Noah)
- Then know that there is no god except God and seek forgiveness of your sins, and of the faithful men and the faithful women. And God knows your place of turmoil and your place of rest (47:19) (instructions to Prophet Muhammad)
Men and Women According to God
- And their Sustainer seeks to answer them, "I do not lose the work of a worker from you, male or female. The one of you is of the same nature as the other one. Then those who emigrate or go out from their residence and were injured in My way, and killed and were killed, I expiate from them their evil deeds and will enter them in Paradise, under which rivers flow, a reward from with God". And God, with Him is the most beautiful of rewards (3:195)